We recently came across Markus's work and have fallen in love with it's alluring beauty. It reminds us of early Nan Goldin, but with a refreshing innocence.
Denny: When and how did you discover your passion for photography?
Markus: It is something that came gradually, starting maybe a few years ago. I was always bringing my compact digital camera with me everywhere and somehow I started more and more to do photos that were meant to be more than just a "facebook photo". I also started playing around with doing self portraits.
D: Who are some of the artists you are influenced by?
M: My friend Laurent Delaroziere has taught me a lot of what I know about photography, so for me the obvious answer is him. If you mean more "famous" artists I am not really sure. It would be stupid to say that none have influenced me, but it is not something I have given much though.
D: What inspires you?
M: Many things! Cute sexy boys, beautiful lighting, those people that give off that certain energy, cute kids, street art. They all make me itch to have a camera in my hands.
D: Where are you from? And where do you live now?
M: I am originally from Trondheim, Norway. I lived for a while in Stockholm, Sweden as well, but now I have been in Paris for 2 years.
D: If you could shoot anyone who would that be?
M: That kid of Angelina Jolie, the one with the mohawk...Maddox? He is so cool!
D: There is a beautiful intimacy in your art. Is this intentional?
M: Thank you! It is 100% unintentional.
D: How would you describe your work?
M: No no no don't ask me that. Look the photos and decide for yourself :)
D: Do you always have a camera with you? And what do you shoot with?
M: I am so paranoid that something will happen to my big expensive one (a Canon EOS 5D Mark II), so I don't dare to bring it with me everywhere. I used to have a little compact digital camera for that, but it is broken now.
D: What are you working on now?
M: I am retouching some photos I did today of a Brazilian boy.
D: What advice do you have for aspiring photographers?
M: Use the internet! Without it I wouldn't have been able to do any of this. Use it for getting your stuff out there and use it for learning how to be better. It's such a great resource.
You can see more of his work at:http://markusbollingmo.com/
and on flickr at:http://www.flickr.com/photos/sipho84/
Denny says one to watch!