And the Denny Goes to...
1) For Biggest Celebrity Melt Down. The Denny goes to... BRITTNEY SPEARS,
2) For Best Republican blunder. The Denny goes to...THE CHOICE OF SARAH PALIN, Thank God.
3) For Best HBO Series. The Denny goes to (It's a tie!)BIG LOVE and TRUE BLOOD.
4) For Best Day of 2008. The Denny goes to... NOV 4th! OBAMA WINS!
5) For Biggest Celebrity Shocker...The Denny goes to...LESBIAN LYNDSY LOWHAN
6) For Best book...The Denny goes... to WHEN YOU ARE ENGULFED IN FLAMES BY DAVID SEDARIS
7) For Best Actor...The Denny goes to...SEAN PENN for his portrayal of Harvey Milk in Milk
8) For Best Actor...The Denny goes to...KATE WYNSLET just for being so damn classy!
9) For Best Picture...The Denny goest to...SLUM DOG because it was the little film that could.
10)For Best Talk show...The Denny goes to...THE VIEW, seriously that show has the drama, this year with the Rosie scandal, then the election and crazy Hasselbeck...
11)For Best New Fashion Designer...The Denny goes to...QUI HAO, you may have not heard his name yet but you will
12)For Best Fashion Magazine...The Denny goes to...DEALER DELUXE, it is a french magazine that embraces art fashion and quirk.
13) For Best Song...The Denny Goes to...MORE THAN THIS by SHANE MACK, just makes you feel good music!
14) For Best Tech Invention...The Denny goes to...THE i-PHONE, It even cooks for you.
15) For Best Reality Television show...The Denny Goes to...PROJECT RUNWAY,bring it back already!!