Nicole Fiscella is one of our favorite Gossip Girls. She is know by many as Isabel Coates, a friend of Blair Waldorf on the CW’s hit series Gossip Girl. We have had the pleasure of spending time with Nicole on several occasions. She lights up a room with her vibrant eyes and devilish sense of humor. She conveys confidence, style, and intelligence when speaking and looks even more beautiful in person.
In between filming the current season of Gossip Girl Nicole took some time from her day to answer some questions for Denny.
Denny: What are you reading right now?
Nicole: A book called Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi. My boyfriend gave it to me b/c Keith is an old boss of his that was inspirational to him. It is about the importance of being open to meeting the right people so you can help each other get ahead. It is great so far!
D ) Where is the last place you had dinner and with who?
N ) The last dinner I had was in Montauk with some of my closest friends. We cooked and played Taboo!
D) We know you are currently studying for your Masters in Nutrition.
What is your favorite dish?
N ) I am huge on breakfast food so since I don't eat dairy, I make a killer scrambled tofu!
D ) We have read you have an appreciation of Woopie Goldbergh. What is it about her you most admire?
N ) I think that Whoopi has an amazing persona and a ton of energy. She is very kind and so funny... I strive to be like her!
D ) What path took you from a BA in Anthropology to Modeling?
N ) Honestly, I have no idea! I loved studying anthropology at Tufts because I had some wonderful professors and I found it so interesting. Modeling kind of came to be when I moved to NYC after school. I had always wanted to model and did a few little things here and there while I was in Boston. Being in NYC made that dream come true!
D ) How did Gossip Girl come about and tell us about your initial casting call?
N ) I have had a commercial agent for years that has been pushing me to do more TV work because I have "personality" (so she said!). She wanted me to try out for this acting part in some new show so I went along not expecting anything since I had no experience. After my first audition, the next day I found out that I got a callback. The callback went well and then I had 2 more. It was 3 weeks of anxiety until I found out, but lo and behold... I got the part! What a whirlwind!
D ) How has being on Gossip Girl changed your life?
N ) Where can I begin? So much has changed! Well, first of all, it has focused me on acting a lot more. I have been taking intense classes to really hone my skills. I have a whole set of new friends that are all very fun and interesting and even meeting their friends has been great! And obviously, there are the perks of being on a hit show! Free stuff!
D ) How do you spend you time between your scenes on the set of the show?
N ) Sometimes I am really focused and I lock myself in my room and do schoolwork. Other times, there is a lot of goofing around between scenes! We laugh a lot!
D ) Of all your cast mates who makes you laugh the most?
N ) Definitely Leighton! Her and I have the same humor so we always have each other in stitches!
D ) We know you are currently filming for the upcoming season of the show. Can you give us a hint at any surprises we can expect?
N ) Oh boy... Everything on the show is so crazy so expect lots of twists and turns and lots and lots on SCANDAL!